All we see is camo: it’s back
12 Feb 2019|2 MIN READ
Sneaking back into our wardrobes, straight out of the 90s - its camo.
Whether its camo cargo pants or a military cut camo jacket, we’re using these prints to stand out, not blend in.
The great thing about this trend is its not specific to men or women; all genders have been sauntering down catwalks in camouflage since mid-2017. Whilst this features much more heavily in menswear, its cropping up more and more in womens clothing of late.
Even Victoria Beckham endorses camo; spotted sporting a camo t-shirt matched with denim flares. V sheek.
Which camo is in demand?
So what types of camo clothing are we searching for?
Market intelligence shows search volume for camouflage clothing related terms for the last three years.
There’s a gradual, but fairly drastic incline for camouflage bottoms (camo trousers, leggings, cargo pants), with a 63% increase July 2017 - July 2018.
October 2018 has been the highest search month for camo bottoms so far, with a search volume of 41.6k. Whilst this may not be as impressive as some clothing searches, this uplift reveals a healthy and growing demand.
Animal print, another niche trend, reached 300k+ in search volume last August. Will camo reach these dizzying heights in months to come?
Camo coats, lost in the foliage
It’s interesting to see that camo clothing for the top half (coats, jackets, hoodies) don’t do nearly as well as bottoms. In fact, it seems that search volume for these terms are slowly falling.
This may come as a surprise to some, as camo coats and jackets are being pushed by many mainstream retailers at present.
Should these retailers be changing tac and looking to offer more bottoms?
Guerrilla warfare online
Many retailers have specific collections on their sites offering camouflage items - these are usually found under ‘utility’ or ‘street wear’ as part of the utilitarian, functional fashion movement.
Zara womens:
Zara mens:
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