Product News

Pi Datametrics product update: Global currency adword data

31 Oct 2016

The Pi Datatmetrics platform now features global adword currency data within the Position Explorer Table, which enables users to compare the relative competition for any given search term in any international market.

global adword data -pounds - cpc - pi datametricsglobal adword data -dollars - cpc - pi datametricsglobal adword data -euros - cpc - pi datametrics

Multiple global currencies across accounts

The adword data within Pi defaults to GBP, and is aggregated daily based on the latest exchange rate. A user simply selects a currency when setting up their account to override the default, and can set different currencies per workspace, or edit currencies at any time. The adword data in Pi is available in any currency globally (see below).

global adword currency - pi datametrics

What's the value of global adword currency?

This function can help global businesses to view separate, relevant market data within different workspaces at an operational level. This will enable multiple digital teams to measure the value of their optimisation, and discover opportunities that will deliver the greatest ROI.


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